Viele Spieler haben Schwierigkeiten, ihren Tee Shots die gebührende Höhe zu geben. Vielfach werden die Drives sehr flach geschlagen (was bei Wind von Vorteil sein kann!), aber grundsätzlich wird damit viel Distanz vergeben.
Butch Harmon hilft Dir, diesen Fehler zu vermeiden und GOLF DIGEST schreibt in der Juniausgabe 2012:
Launch Your Driver
By Butch Harmon
Photos by J.D. Cuban
June 2012
If you have a hard time getting your tee shots up in the air, you’re giving up serious distance. I’ve got a tip that will help you: Check your stance width. I see so many amateurs who stand too narrow. They set their feet about as wide as their hips, head in line with the ball, shoulders level (above, right). That’s not a stable position, and usually sends the ball short and right.Try this instead: Take your normal stance, then drop your right foot back a few inches, letting your head go with it. Your spine will tilt away from the target, with your shoulders angled upward (above, left). Now you’re in position to really launch the ball. In fact, you’ll hit it slightly on the upswing without changing anything in your swing. That’ll give you a higher trajectory and more carry distance.